Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In Memory

This pic demonstrates

just how short grandma really is.

Today is the 5th anniversary of my mother's death. It doesn't get any easier. My therapist suggested that I remember the good things about our relationship and not to dwell on any last regrets.

My mom and her two sisters

as bridemaids for my aunt Dawn

My favorite memory of my mom was at my grandparents' house for Christmas Eve. Every year when I was growing up, my mom and her sister would pile me, my sister and our two cousins in to the 1978 Ford Ltd. that we called Urma. We would make the one-hour drive to Mukwango every year and usually it was snowing. The four of us would drive our mothers insane, I'm sure.

Mom and Charlie

The one that sticks out most in my mind, I was a little older, I believe about 14 or 15 years old. It was a family tradition to play some game, usually one that required us to sing and generally look like idiots.


Anyways, this year, as usual, my mom was winning. And being quite the sore winner if I recall correctly. So someone threw a paper plate at her. That one plate turned into an all-out paper plate war with just my mom, sister and myself making up one team. It was us against the rest of the family.

Sue, Janet (my mom) and Patty

I don't remember who won that fight. I'm sure it ended when someone got hurt.

Here's to you, Mom. I miss you so much.

*Sorry the pics are so small. This was the best resolution I could find.


Lindsay family said...

That was so nice to see some pictures of your mom... and fun to read about your memories.

I can only imagine how much you must miss your mom, being something I haven't experienced. But honoring the memories sounds like good advice. Thanks for sharing all of that.


Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

I am so sorry for your loss.