Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm so excited!!!

I found out that I get to start CASA training on Thursday nights!!! The classes are from 6-9 pm on Thursday for the next 8 weeks. I had applied for a volunteer position with Dane County CASA last spring but was unable to attend the training because it conflicted with my school schedule. And then, the Executive Director quit her job and they weren't holding any more trainings until they found a new one. Well, they have found a new one and trainings begin on Thursday.
CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates. The volunteers work with children within the foster care system, acting as a go-between for the judge, social worker, foster family, GAL, teachers, parents and the child. These are children where these is a substantiated case of abuse and the ultimate goal is to provide a way to safely reunite the children with their parents. Each volunteer is assigned one child or family if there are siblings. This way the volunteers can act as the "eyes and ears" of the court and are expected to report back to the court on a monthly basis.
Anyways, I'm so excited that I finally get to do this. I've been wanting to volunteer for CASA for years and now I finally have the opportunity to do it.


Lindsay family said...

That's fantastic, April!! Sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Good for you. :)

Alissa said...

That's great April! I'm sure that you are going to be awesome at it too. I wish that some of "my" kids had people like that in their lives.

Holli said...

Congrats again April....I really think this is something to be proud of. I would love to do this!!

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

Congrats again! This sounds like an exceptional opportunity & I wish you the best with it!