Josh and I received our first CSA storage share today. CSA is short for Community Sponsored Agriculture and we purchased our share from
MACSAC. The Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Coalition works to create a sustainable, just, and locally based food system in Southern Wisconsin by promoting and supporting CSA farms, coordinating community and farmer education programs about the benefits of locally, sustainably grown foods, and operating the Partner Shares Program which raises funds to subsidize CSA memberships for households on a limited income.
From left to right and back to front:
Rutabaga, Golden Beets, Chioggia beets, Celeriac and Ruby Heart Radish.
Clarissa cabbage, golden beets, Red cabbage,
celeriac and daikon radish.
Orange pie pumpkins and Scarlet Kobocha winter squash
brussels sprouts, carrots, potatoes, squash

Spinach, red potatoes, leeks and garlic
That is so cool. I have a friend in NY who does the CSA shares.. I would like to get in on that. I should look it up, and see what is available in our area.
If you don't mind my asking, what is the cost to do that - ballpark?
That's quite a selection of things!
It was $140 for the storage share. We received half of it so far and we get the second half in December. I'm looking forward to trying some of the stuff that I haven't had before. We're also doing the Every-Other-Week share this summer which is $345 for June 16 to October 23.
Oh and the best thing? Our health ins. reimburses us part of the cost.
That's fantastic!
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